Recognizing a pressing need in respiratory infection management, SeveriDx’s journey began in late 2020 with GeneSpector and Charles University’s discovery of a unique biomarker. This finding motivated us on a mission to transform how to approach risk assessment and treatment in respiratory healthcare.
By 2021, our idea was validated through a large-scale academic clinical study conducted at Thomayer Faculty Hospital involving almost 1,000 patients. The following year, we applied for a Czech patent that was granted. It was later extended by national patent applications submitted in the USA, Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, China, and Singapore at the beginning of 2024.
In 2024, SeveriDx was officially founded as a spin-off from GeneSpector, assembling a dedicated team and advisory board to drive the mission forward.
SeveriDx offers an advanced prognostic test with a comprehensive solution that covers everything from sample collection to result analysis for healthcare professionals.
To make our product attractive to the biotech, pharma, and healthcare industries, SeveriDx aims to perform all required clinical studies to ensure European regulatory standards for in-vitro diagnostic devices. The company will reach the market via acquisition with a global industry partner/player.